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Sunday, November 15, 2009


First off I know it has been a while since I have updated my Blog. Please forgive me for I am human. Now.....you are probably wondering why the title of this is post is why. Well I just got done doing theory homework which took about 2 1/2 hours. We are learning about theme and variations. Well...why do we have to do so much homework to learn a simple cocncept. I know that we have to practice if we want to become great musicians but some of the stuff that we do for our degree is kind of pointless. I understand that we need to take Math for music does have Math involved. But how is learning about biology and history going to make us better teachers. What during a random choir rehearsal someone is going to ask me about the war in France and I have to know the answer. No!!!!!!!!! I am going to be teaching about how understanding what you are singing will help the piece turn into an amazing work. Ok....enough about that. On to my next soap box. Yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a couple of my co-workers. They were talking about the new movie 2012 and how true that is. Well....this is where taking history helped. According to the Myan calendar the world ends around Dec. 21 2012. This is why people think this. The Myans were around along long time ago. How would you feel if you had to make a calendar for the next 2000 years. Yeah.....that would get pretty tiring. So from what I understand and correct me if Im wrong, the Myan calendar is based on the planets. In the year 2012 they say that the sun will be in perfect allignment with the Milkyway that some great energy will happen thus destroying the world. My thing is, why do we have to have Hollywood remind us that the world is going to end if the Scriptures clearly tell us what is going to happen. I say live your life like you are supposed to and these different theorys that people come up with will have no affect on you. If we live our lives the way we should, whether it be today tomorrow, next week or a year from now that the world will end, we will be ready. Nostradamous was just a man who had theorys. Any man that follows a man about theorys is a fool. Please do not take offense to this for offense can only be taken not given.